welcome to 2019. I'm Jace Lamar.
I'm a visual artist, first and foremost. I've been drawing my entire life, but I've picked up painting, graphic design, clothing design, photography, and now cut n sew, so I'm just an all around creative. I style and direct things occasionally too. I used to think people would put "creative director" in their bio's to feel self important, but that's becoming the closest thing to a title I can come up with. Go figure.
This site will serve as a portfolio of sorts. I want to showcase my different designs and projects in one place, starting with Dream Co.
Dream Co. is the first brand idea I acted upon, but it isn't the first brand I've come up with. I tend to have a knack for coming up with designs and catchy slogans that would look good on clothing. Anyway, Dream Collective, Dream Co. for short, is a brand I developed during a 5 week stay in Costa Rica.
Like I said, I've been an artist since forever, but Costa Rica was one of the first times I was afforded the ability to constantly create without the interruption of real life problems like school and bills. The time I spent in Costa Rica was one of the best periods of my life, and about two weeks into my trip I realized a two things: first, the path I was going in life ultimately would not allow me to return to Costa Rica for another 5 week trip for a very long time, possibly never. Secondly, I needed to be able to afford to go wherever I wanted, whenever I wanted.
From this, came Dream Co. Dream Co. is heavily inspired by the culture of Costa Rica. It is bright and colorful, and it's earliest designs are a reflection of the weather I experienced during my trip. During the months after my trip, I continued to develop the idea of a clothing brand. My dream, no pun intended, was to generate enough volume and sales to afford myself the lifestyle I lived in Costa Rica. I didn't want much, I still don't. I just want enough to do what I want, which is mostly to travel.
Both in Costa Rica, and in the time after my trip, I came up with the entire brand identity. I came up with a vision. I came up with a reason. I had a mascot: a purple bunny named Dash and his mysterious girlfriend, Lucy. I had a staple, which was clouds. And, I had a saying that I truly believed: "Yours is the Earth and Everything That's in It."
My trip to Costa Rica was in the summer of 2015. I released my first t shirts for the brand in February 2016, on my 22nd birthday. But remember, I'm an artist. Way before I ever worked with graphic design, I did visual art like portraits and paintings. So, before I released my t shirts under Dream Co., I had a sort of trial run in the months leading up to February. Some people only know me from clothing, others will remember when I was painting leather baseball caps.
The caps, to me, were an item I could buy in low quantities, paint, and sell for a high profit. Selling the caps gave me the confidence to get t shirts printed; it showed me I could garner an audience and that people would like what I could offer.
Fast forward to almost 3 years later, Dream Co. has transitioned from just t shirts to tees, hoodies, shorts, joggers, 2 piece sets, jerseys, track jackets, etc. Eventually, I want to have a lifestyle brand that produces all the things I use in my daily life.
In the years since the creation of Dream Co., I've continued to challenge myself creatively. Near the end of 2017, I bought a sewing machine because I wanted to learn to hem jeans. Eventually, I went from hemming jeans, to tapering them, to adding zippers and things. Sometime around May 2018, I decided I wanted to compound my sewing skills to make garments from scratch; I wanted to make my own hoodies.
As with everything else, I didn't just want to make hoodies, I wanted to be over the top. So, I made hoodies out of lush fleece and lined them with satin/silk. I wanted a hoodie that conveyed a sense of luxury. Then, I wanted joggers that did the same. Then, I wanted shorts. Then, I wanted jackets. Then, I was surprised to learn that other people just might want the same things. Thus, the creation of Jace Lamar as a brand, instead of just as an artist, came about. Jace Lamar as my name always sounded super fancy, like Ralph Lauren or Maison Margiela, so it only makes sense to designate it as the name that houses the luxury and exclusive items I like to make.
Lastly, theres OUTLAW. OUTLAW is the most recent development of mine, but it's my favorite. There's a whole story about how I came up with the name and imagery, but basically, OUTLAW is my chance to make everyday wear. My personal style is very muted; I like nice things, but I don't like showing off much. I have a lot of show pieces, but 90% of the time, I'm wearing a hoodie and t shirt, a good pair of denim, and some rare sneakers. I don't wear the bright colors of Dream Co. everyday, nor do I wear the luxury pieces of Jace Lamar. OUTLAW is an opportunity for me to make items that I can put on with anything and for anything. Quite simply, OUTLAW is what I want to wear.
If you're still reading, I appreciate you. I tried to sum up the last 3 years as quickly as I could. It'll be 3 years on February 25, 2019, so wish me a happy birthday if you see this before then. I'd appreciate it. Anyway, one of my goals this year is to be more open with my brand, and this is where I will do it. I want to give insight into the inspiration behind certain items, the planning and execution of projects, and just the things I think about in general. I hope you like what I have to offer.
This is for the dreamers. Welcome to the Collective. Yours is the Earth.
Jace Lamar